Tech Monkey
Wow.... This is the biggest fail card I have ever seen. Only a 77Mhz OC on stock vcore add vcore and OCP is triggered lmao You can get all this fail for the low low price of $699.99
The card may be quiet but that's because it cant OC and has extremely reduced clocks. This card
may be better but who knows, at a slight vcore boost the review card pulled another 100 watts. The Metro 2033 bench was BS, a single 6970 was doing 32fps and 2 in CFX was 36fps, obviously scaling wasn't working. Anyways dang near equal in everything but uses less power (maybe) and is quieter but still is fail because of low overclock ability. Maybe the EVGA 590 will remedy that but at $879 does it matter?
Also the Hard OCP review used BF:BC2 to test loads and guess what? the Nvidia GPU used more power, instead of the furmark throttled BS. It also ran at about 89C to the 6990s 92C, it also seems to be more of GTX 570 SLI performance than 580 SLI. (Still only 1.5gb ram per GPU vs the 6990's 2gb each)
As the review says

may be better but who knows, at a slight vcore boost the review card pulled another 100 watts. The Metro 2033 bench was BS, a single 6970 was doing 32fps and 2 in CFX was 36fps, obviously scaling wasn't working. Anyways dang near equal in everything but uses less power (maybe) and is quieter but still is fail because of low overclock ability. Maybe the EVGA 590 will remedy that but at $879 does it matter?
Also the Hard OCP review used BF:BC2 to test loads and guess what? the Nvidia GPU used more power, instead of the furmark throttled BS. It also ran at about 89C to the 6990s 92C, it also seems to be more of GTX 570 SLI performance than 580 SLI. (Still only 1.5gb ram per GPU vs the 6990's 2gb each)
As the review says
WOW straight from TPUWe truly thought the GTX 590 was going to make the Radeon 6990 look bad, but the fact of the matter is that NVIDIA made the 6990 look that much better. The GTX 590 is not the "World's Fastest Single Card Solution" as stated on our page 1 slides; the Radeon HD 6990 is very much retaining that title. Hail to the King, baby!
Card blew up during testing, power limiting system does not work reliably
As a first step, I increased the voltage from 0.938 V default to 1.000 V, maximum stable clock was 815 MHz - faster than GTX 580! Moving on, I tried 1.2 V to see how much could be gained here, at default clocks and with NVIDIA's power limiter enabled. I went to heat up the card and then *boom*, a sound like popcorn cracking, the system turned off and a burnt electronics smell started to fill up the room. Card dead! Even with NVIDIA power limiter enabled. Now the pretty looking, backlit GeForce logo was blinking helplessly and the fan did not spin, both indicate an error with the card's 12V supply.
After talking to several other reviewers, this does not seem to be an isolated case, and many of them have killed their cards with similar testing, which is far from being an extreme test.
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