ATi should drop out of the chipset market all together. Buy some licencing rights from nVidia for the nF4 SLi chipset. And go that route. Im sure nVidia would welcome the competition. Or Intel needs to get off their duff and get somthing going in teh SLi front.
EIther way ATi's chipsets failed from the get go, and theres no turning back now. The biggest reason why nForce has done so well, is that when it came out, it was stable, it had few hardware conflicts, and it offered more then any other Intel chipset at the time did, and it performed at levels way above anything VIA had to offer. And was so impactful on the market that literally overnight AMD's market share went to the moon.
ATi has failed at ALL of those catagories. So much to the point that its forgetable as a chipset manufacture.
If anything, i wouldent terribly be suprised to see nVidia stick some money into ULi and make the ULi chipset 10 times better then any XPress chipset ATi can crank out.
I still think there best option though, is to just bite the bullet and buy right from nVidia. Im sure there are plent of SLi owners that would prefer to ahve an ATi card, if they could.