New 3D Mark records all around!

Rob Williams

Staff member


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Rob Williams

Staff member
Wow, we really are on top of things.

Other sites are just posting about this NOW. Nothing like being a week before everyone else :|


The One, The Only...
WTFage 2 d extreme

Ok ok... I understand the need for some people to feel like they have to go to the extremes... push the limits... In short "OVERCLOCK"

but come on! Liquid nitro and dry ice? isnt that a little overboard?

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
madstork91 said:
Ok ok... I understand the need for some people to feel like they have to go to the extremes... push the limits... In short "OVERCLOCK"

but come on! Liquid nitro and dry ice? isnt that a little overboard?

Well, if by going overboard, you mean knocking a couple records in the face with a golf club, no. I think what he did is inspirational and I would do the same thing if I had the resources. More power to him.

Wouldn't No2 on a car be overboard as well?

Rob Williams

Staff member
If I had my own house (aka didn't live with my mom and others), I would certainly be goofing around with this stuff.

Breaking records is fun, pushing hardware to the ultimate limit is funner :D

Rob Williams

Staff member
Add to that, that most people who do use L2N or Dry Ice don't use them both at the same time :D


The One, The Only...
na NO2 on a car is fine... headers on a car? why not? But putting headers, body kit, sandbaging the back, 98 octane in the fuel, NO2, cool injected, supercharged, and adjusting the timing every evening... Thats a lil overboard... You could wait atleast a month before readjusting the timing :)

BTW NO2 isnt for every car.

Edit: Oh and racing slicks, spoiler, alternate batery for the speakers so that it doesnst tax the alternator and reduce rpm... (I could go on)
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