Need the Best C2D Board Under $200


I am currently building a system for a friend (or rather helping him choose the parts) and I am in need of advice on which motherboard to get. It needs to be under $200 (preferably under $180), needs to have good overclocking capability, support SLI, have passive cooling, and be a generally high-end board.
Any advice? He is getting a C2D E6700 as the CPU, know of and board that any board that maximizes that CPU?


Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
By requiring SLi support, you are kind of painting yourself into a corner as far as options are concerned. Your only options are boards based on the NVIDIA 680i or 650i chipsets. 680i boards can be found online in your price range, but they are well into the upper end of the under $200 price range. With the 650i, you are sacrificing a few bells and whistles, but you are still getting a very solid chipset and boards using the 650i can be found for under $150.

Does it have to be an SLi board? If not, the options are limitless.


Yes, it should be SLI capable, because he may want to add another graphics card in the future.

Any direct links to products you could recommend?



I'll put in a plug for DarkSynergy's first 650i recommendation. I have that board and it is definitely a winner. It's kind of a Frankenstein's Monster of parts, but it sure does get the job done with style and performance.