Need Suggestions on Laptop Problem Please!


Hello Everyone,

I have a hp pavilion dv1000 that was in sleep (stand by) mode and my son took the battery out while the laptop was in sleep mode. When it boots up now, I get a blue screen error that lasts about a half a second and then the machine reboots itself. Any way to fix this or do I need to reformat and reinstall the OS? Thank you.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Should be able to fix it without a reformat.

When the machine boots keep hitting F8 to bring up the boot menu and try to load Windows in safe mode.

Which Windows was this, XP or Vista? Vista will let you do a system restore after you boot off the Vista DVD, and both OSs have ways to repair them if they don't boot properly.



The laptop has Windows XP Home on it. When it boots, I get the option of picking how I want to boot... Safe Mode, Safe Mode with networking, Safe Mode with command prompt, Last known good configuration and normal. I am trying the boot from last known good config that worked. I have tried safe mode and it reboots as well.

It tried to boot with the last known good config and it goes to the blue screen and I just barely caught the words "physical dump" with something like 000007e45.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Okay, then it's going to get fun... you'll neet to try to repair the install off the original XP disc. I might suggest:

If your data is critical or important to ya you could remove the drive, plug the laptop drive into a desktop and then transfer your files off that way just to be on the safe side. This would require an IDE laptop-to-desktop drive adapter, not to mention a desktop computer to use... However, once you had your data off the drive you could simply wipe and reformat the laptop instead of risking ending up with a, booting, but still damaged XP install.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I agree completely with Kougar... if there is important data, get it off there first. I haven't 'repaired' an XP installation in a while, but from what I recall, it's not that clean. Chances are you might want to do a reformat, but I'd at least repair first, just to grab the data, and then reformat the entire thing.


Thank you for your suggestions. I will proceed ahead with a repair to get data and then reformat the hd and reinstall. Thanks again.
