Murphy's Law kicks ass :|

Rob Williams

Staff member
Har har.. the weeks already begun, but Murphay's Law keeps kicking me in the ass :D

Monday, I left work an hour early, at 2pm.. so that I could be home in time to receive a package I was expecting from UPS. I get home at 2:02, and seen a note on the door from UPS that states: "We were here at 1:56"..

Bad enough.. upset a little.. so I call them, and arrange them to deliver it to my work the next day, since I would be there. They delivered it there no problem.

Now time for lunch break.. I walk home [2 minutes from work], to find a note on the door from ANOTHER courier that states, "We were here at 11:50".. 10 minutes before then :|

So I am back at work.. happen to look out the back door towards my house, and see ANOTHER Courier truck outside my house! I ran out of my work, down the street and hollared as he headed back to his truck.. "WAIT! I don't need another damn note!"

I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings :D



Partition Master
What was Murphey's law again?
What can go wrong will go wrong?
Or am I confused with some other law? Damn stupid laws, theres just too many of them.
Break the law!


yeha i think what ever could go wrong will go wrong. I dont think its true becuase california hasnt fallen into the ocean yet!


murphys law is a great friend of mine too.... Rob knows the troubles I had last year hehehe anyways yeah whatever can go wrong will, and when you have multiple things that can go wrong it will always be the worst that does...


Murphy's Law: If something can go wrong, it will.
Chisolm's Law: Anytime things seem to be going better, you've overlooked something.
Finagle's Law: Once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it will only make it worse.
Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity

What? You don't worship of the dread god Finagle and his mad prophet Murphy?


The One, The Only...
I believe in the chaos theory... Hell the closest thing the Cherokee language has to chaos is my real name, so in a sense I believe in myself.
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Soup Nazi
Murphy was an optimist! madmat's law: What can go wrong has gone wrong but you just don't know it yet!