Mozilla Firefox Extensions You Should Have!

Rob Williams

Staff member
With Firefox growing in popularity, it's amazing that many people still do not know what Extensions are. We'll explain what they are and how they are beneficial to your browsing experience. We also have our top 10 list to get you started.


Read the article here, and then discuss it here! Questions are welcomed, and so are regular comments. Let us know what Firefox extensions YOU use.


Tabbrowser Extensions...ugh

Evidently your author is rather painfully new to Extensions himself:

Tab Mix Plus does everything the unlamented Tabbrowser Extensions does, does them better, does more, does it logically and does it with far more soon as I saw Tabbrowser Extensions on his list I knew he was clueless...

Rob Williams

Staff member
Regen, cool find. I'd use if I didn't use SearchStatus.

Stork, that must've been from a Google ad? I really don't know anything about Google ads, since they pick and choose what goes there.

Coup47, to each his own I guess. Tabbrowser Extensions has *never* given me any issues whatsoever. I've also not heard of Tab Mix Plus before, but will check it out. Clueless is a harsh word :p