Missouri Floods.


Tech Monkey
Well, I don't know if you all have been following the weather news the last couple of days, but we here in Missouri just finished up with 3 days of constant heavy rains with a total of 6" or more (more in other areas) in the area where I live. We have several of the largest rivers in the US (Missippi, Missouri, Big River and Meramec, along with many smaller rivers) flowing through the region and most are already reaching flood stages and they aren't supposed to crest until late Friday. Right down the street from my house (2 miles) is the only major highway (2 lane) in and out of the area and as of 8 this evening the water was already at the steel beams on the underside. To make a long story short, if the keeps rising at the current rate, it'll be completely under water by morning, cutting us off from the St Louis area, all the smaller brides on the country roads have been shutdown as of this evening (if they weren't already under water).

I'm going out tomorrow with the wife to see if I can get a pic or 2 to post up here. Mother natures power is complete and totally awesome.


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Tech Monkey
We need a break, we went from freezing temps and snow one week to nice warm temps and constant rain, this is really getting to suck a little.


We're still stuck in the ice age here. There's still an awful lot of snow left on the ground for the first day of Spring. The thaw hasn't really started yet.


Tech Monkey
Here's a quick map from MODOT of only the state highways that are closed due to flooding as of right now.


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Rob Williams

Staff member
Wow man, I hope the weather doesn't mess up your daily routine too much... that's insane! I've been rather lucky in that I've never had to live through crazy weather like that. I've come close with an ice storm when I was younger, but it was mild compared to something like this.

I am of the belief that someone who is stuck with such crap Internet should automatically be exempt from natural disasters like this. Everyone say aye?


Tech Monkey

Funny part is that it's suppose to be warm, sunny and dry tomorrow, and its to wet to go anywhere or do anything...............:(

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I've been following this online. Such a tragic situation for so many people. Obviously not on a Katrina scale but man, it's unfortunate. I hope things get better for you. Good luck.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Good thing you are already an expert with watercooling, pumps, hoses, and fluid dynamics I guess... ;)

What a mess that storm front has been, really annoying that we really need the rain here and we only got a brief 30 minute shower from that front, most of it hit the northern half of Texas and the rest of the US. I hope things will start to dry out for y'all. :)


Tech Monkey
Well, it looks like we got a little luck here in our area and the river crested last night without topping our main highway and bridge. Last night the water was up to the bottom part of the bridge and this morning when the wife took me down to look at it, the water had already dropped several feet from where it was yesterday evening. So it looks like in our little area we are safe and now all we have to do is dry out a little.


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Rob Williams

Staff member
Good to see you can still drive around no problem... but it still likes like a swampland all over. How long do they expect it will sit around like that?


The Tech Wizard
Yeah, It's all over the news.
ohio, and Mo.
And they have a water ban here, drought they say....but that's the gov. for ya.
All those areas are marked for assistance.
Glad to hear you and yours are okay.



Tech Monkey
Good to see you can still drive around no problem... but it still likes like a swampland all over. How long do they expect it will sit around like that?

Don't have any idea really, the flooding hasn't reached its peak everywhere yet...............:eek: St Louis and surrounding area looks to get the extreme high water tomorrow and Saturday, that where the 3 major river merge (Mississippi, Missouri and the Meramec). They've already closed off most of the flood gates around the city and everyone hopes that they hold along with the levies (a few smaller ones already have been breached).

Then they have the problem of the flooding in Ohio, all that water has to come down stream past us, it could turn into a long mess over time, just have to wait and see I guess.

And on top of all that, they are predicting rain again for this weekend, like we really need anymore for a while.

In our area we don't have a lot to worry about really unless you have to go somewhere, we live at the begining of what they call the Ozark Mountains, so unless you try and cross a flooded river, you're pretty safe out here.
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Tech Monkey
With that much rain screw using a car to get around, you could use a canoe.

Down in most of the flatlands thats exactly what they are using.

But in most areas the current is so fast and there's so much garbage in it, if you get hit it can kill .


Tech Monkey
No problem laughing, even with all the flooding I laugh at some of the fools that aren't smart enough to get out of the way of a flood or so stupid that they think that they can drive through the high water, that kind of thing happens a few times every day.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Damn man... that is quite the situation. I hope your cupboards are full with enough groceries to last you a while.


Tech Monkey
LOL..That they are, you pretty much have to plan things that way around here. here in the past we've been withoput power for weeks at a time due to ice or sever thunder storms/tornados, if its not one thing, its another it seems. Sometimes I think we should pack everything up and mover to a more weather friendly part of the world.

I'll be posting some pics from around the Mississippi river later on today when I get back, it just so happens that Jefferson Barracks VA Hospital sits on a hill over looking the river, so I should beable to get some great shots of the high water over in that area.