Optical Mouse 3000 quit working????
I do love the mouse, HOWEVER, seems to not want to work as needed. I have USED (not just tried, but used completely) countless batteries, have tried Kodak, Engergizer, and various rechargeables, along with standard batteries. Really uses them!
Now, I can not get the mouse to move the pointer. Weird thing is that the buttons will work when I click on them, but not the pointer or the scroll wheel. I have tried to uninstall, re-install, troubleshoot, update drivers, etc, etc, etc. I have been trying EVERYTHING the last 3 days.
Of course, Microsoft wants me to pay them $35.00 for tech support??? I have only had this mouse a few months.
I love the slim, well-fitting design, but I absolutely hate having to have a great product that just all of a sudden quits working or only works about 1/2.
Can anyone please help me. Like I said, I have tried everything to get this to work????