It also means that more users can run Linux as a Guest on windows. And do it with better performance and results (
see here, 4th question under Hyper-V general).
While there's nothing altruistic about Microsoft's presence in the Linux kernel. It benefits both sides tremendously. That's part of what defines FOSS. Certainly as a daily user of both operating systems, I welcome these and many other contributions and reject the implied tone behind Wheeler's blog post; For a FOSS project, one should care less where code is coming from. It could be the devil himself as long as it is good code that improves the project capabilities and reach.
Of note also that the Linux Kernel is not sensitive to commercial-oriented contributions from within the Linux community. Red Hat presence is all but 100% motivated by money, for instance. Conversely, other projects have been accused in the past of drawing too much from the FOSS community and giving too little back, like the Ubuntu distribution.
It's this bookkeeping, the often exchange of words, and the accusing tone that certain FOSS members (that should know better) smartly disguise behind many of their speeches/articles, that has through the years persistently drew me away from contributing to many FOSS projects. There's a certain level of hypocrisy I can't stand, when Free and Open Source is no longer a
matter of liberty, but instead becomes just another side to project property, and who's who and who's doing what.