Lucid's Multi-GPU Solution Out Next Month

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our front-page news:
We first reported on Lucid's multi-GPU solution last fall, and to be honest, I didn't expect much of an update by this point. I was wrong, as the company states that they will be shipping product next month. It won't be an add-in solution, at least right off, but rather a feature built into an upcoming motherboard.

Details are somewhat scarce since we haven't had a private meeting with the company up to this point (that will happen tomorrow). I checked out their booth in the showcase area, however, and up and running were two demo machines, showcasing what the technology is capable of. At this point, it looks like their promises of last year have come to fruition, so the next few months should be very interesting.

As a quick refresher, Lucid's technology is to essentially replace the need for CrossFireX and SLI, by splitting up the gameplay across multiple GPUs. You don't even need to use the same GPUs, but are free to mix and match between models (you can even mix and match ATI and NVIDIA).

MSI will be the first motherboard vendor to include the feature on their upcoming "Big Bang" P55-based board. The larger motherboard vendors are understandably skeptical as to market success, but I have little doubt that they will be incredibly quick to implement it on their own boards if it's the least bit successful.

I'll know a lot more after the meeting, where I'll get some hands-on time with the tech across various GPU configurations.

Source: Lucid Press Release (PDF)​
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Wow, had no idea that such tech was in the works.

The biggest advantage of lucid is the "almost perfect scaling between any number of installed cards" as mentioned in the previous article.

Now the only question is what's the added cost to have lucid installed in your system. Will we come to the point where four HD4850's would be preferred over two 4890's card? This should result in lots of interesting video card arrangements!

Also, would Lucid be able to get the most out of different cards. As in the most out of a GTX 260 and ATI 4850 in an array.

Can't wait for the next article on this exciting technology!

Rob Williams

Staff member
gibbersome said:
The biggest advantage of lucid is the "almost perfect scaling between any number of installed cards" as mentioned in the previous article.

We might have to take that back, because the company has since changed its stance. In a meeting the other day, they basically told us that in some cases, SLI will prove a bit better than their solution, while in others, theirs will be better. It seems to me that we're not going to see the scaling we first hoped for.

gibbersome said:
Will we come to the point where four HD4850's would be preferred over two 4890's card? This should result in lots of interesting video card arrangements!

I'm also very curious of this. Although, four of ANY GPU is not going to be too stellar. That's just a lot of heat and you need a huge chassis and motherboard to just support them all. I plan to follow-up with the company soon to get a little more information, and hopefully acquire a sample soon.