List of Games You Think are Overrated.


Partition Master
Thread of games in which you think are overrated.

Halo + Halo 2 (Bland graphics, what kind of name is 'Master Chief'? Aliens attacking humans? What an original idea.)

Grand Theft Auto (All of them. Just how many times can you 're-texture' a game and call it a sequal?)

World of Warcraft (Too many bugs to get the near perfect scores the critics are giving it.)

Half Life 2 (Just gets boring after a while after the initial shock from the beauty of the game. Plus Steam sucks.)

Fable (I played it, and said 'How could it have got RPG of the year with better RPG's like Star Wars KOTOR 2, Shin Megami Tensei, Skies of Arcadia, and Star Ocean coming out the same year?)

Rob Williams

Staff member
I feel the same way with Halo. I just could never get into it.

I really, really enjoyed GTA Vice City, so I shouldn't talk there.

Half-Life 2 I agree to a point to. Very good game though, got my heart pumping a couple times. End sucks though.


half life 2 is good story isnt that good but it sents grounds for future games. Too many bugs so far in singleplayer i had to cheat and skip 1 level cause a guy wouldnt talk to me and right now it wont let me load a map so im screwed.


Partition Master
Another game I forgot to add, Doom 3.
Just like Half-Life 2, after the initial shock of the beauty of the game, it gets boring.
Plus I absolutely hate how they priced it $54.99. I can see it's starting a trend, Half Life 2 did it, the upcoming Age of Empires 3 will do it (last time I checked), the upcoming Shin Megami for the PS2 is doing it, and I bet many more titles that are in development are going to be 54.99.
I know it's only 5 bucks more, but to me 50 bucks is expensive for a video game.
(Keep in mind, I'm a cheap mofo. Anything that isn't 19.99 or less to me is expensive.)


Halo 2 was definately overrated, £39.99 for 11 hours of shiny metal suits? Of which half of that time was spent as the very thing you where trying to kill? lol

When I see games like that topping the charts and games like Star Ocean 3 get the obligatory 'Good game yea' remark, it really makes me wonder what state our markets are in.


WoW is so overrated. Cartoony, anime characters with the same mechanics that everyone has been using since the genre began in the 70s. So what if they made up a story line. I can make up a story line. Lame. It's Blizzard needing to push in and make money.


Partition Master
WoW is fun, until Blizzard starts to 'fix' things. I was originally on the Hellscream server, but got sick and tired of the waiting que just to log in. I switched to Windrunner, started fresh and new, but then Blizzard allowed xfers form Blackhand to Windrunner... now I have a even longer wait in que than I did in Hellscream.


I have to say Doom 3 is tops on my list. way overrated and pretty boring after 30minutes.

now Riddick is an awesome game. highly under-ratted.


Partition Master
Chronicles of Riddick is a good game and underrated for that matter, thing is, I hate Vin Diesel. But I was able to see past that and enjoy it for the brief time I had it.


another great underrated game is painkiller. it is a fun as hell just shot and kill game. plus the expansion BOH is awesome. the rollercoaster level has incredible graphics. i just like to ride the coaster to check out the scenes.


The only games I actually played on your list was the Gran Theft Auto (no xbox here) I really enjoy the game for more or less useless time killing...seriously who doesnt enjoy driving cars at highspeeds and crashing into random things.. but after a point some missions become rather difficult and I found that driving and shooting ppl just became tiresome. I've never played Halo or Halo 2 so I cant comment on that one, but Fable does look interesting, the concept anyways.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Not trying to piss anyone off but to me, Halo 1 is one of the greatest game ever released and Halo 2 is kick ass as well. To me, I think that Doom 3 was/is overrated. It's a turd of a game. I agree that the ending to HL2 was shitty but the game itself was amazing.

The AI in Halo was very well done. I have had a chubby for Halo since the XBOX dropped way back in 2001.

Fable did not live up to it's hype....100% let down. It is still a good game but I was expecting my head to blow up out of coolness when I first played it. Needless to say, my head is still where it should, not up my ass.

Mike AC Ryan

Fable was a very nice game (played it on the PC)..too bad it was sooooo short!! and 0 replay value :(.

Halo1 was the doubt about it... LAN gaming with Halo was soo much fun, as well as the single player was quite nice.

WoW is very good imo.. It got boring for me after playing a couple of months for like 60hrs/week (i kid you not...6days of the week off and playing this game). I recently just started again and like it a lot again..

Bugs? What bugs? I have only had one real bug which the GM's solved withing 30 mins... In L2 i had to wait days for something to be fixed >.<... At least wow gives Patch Notes whnever they patch something..rofl..

WoW is a good game, not overrated, not underrated. It depends a bit on your playstyle if u like the cartoonyness (i first thought i didn't, but now i actually dont mind).

Havent played Hl2 Single player htough.

GTA was a good series of game... Goign into 3d was a big and exciting step for the game, and imo Vice City is still the best...the kickass music, motorcycle stunts and the missions are helluva fun (RC Helicopters ftw!).
Havent really played the older ones very much, but Vice City was really great

Just my 2 cents :p


The One, The Only...
leecho7 said:
Thread of games in which you think are overrated.

Halo + Halo 2 (Bland graphics, what kind of name is 'Master Chief'? Aliens attacking humans? What an original idea.)

Grand Theft Auto (All of them. Just how many times can you 're-texture' a game and call it a sequal?)

World of Warcraft (Too many bugs to get the near perfect scores the critics are giving it.)

Half Life 2 (Just gets boring after a while after the initial shock from the beauty of the game. Plus Steam sucks.)

Fable (I played it, and said 'How could it have got RPG of the year with better RPG's like Star Wars KOTOR 2, Shin Megami Tensei, Skies of Arcadia, and Star Ocean coming out the same year?)

Star ocean Ill agree with you on... fable was alot worse than SO... KOTOR 2 though? That entire realtime d&d never winter nights style rpg is imo one of the things thats keeping decent rpg's out of the market... I mean really. That games sucked. And i tried so hard to like it. Really hard. I played it for like 10-15 hrs. But alas I hated it.

HL2 I wasnt too impressed even with the graphics.

WoW: It was a decent concept in the begining. Then blizzard took a great idea, fired some of the people who had it while under corp restructuring, then had "writters" who had no tie to the original story line [bleep][bleep][bleep][bleep] up wc3's story enough to make it fit into some sort of an MMO which had factions (something that wasnt in the original plan but was becoming popular during development so they decided "[bleep][bleep][bleep][bleep] the story we'll do this") Then on top of it their best ppl for rpg's (blizzard north) left/got fired/quit/resigned or wtf ever and began work on guild wars. I'm so [bleep][bleep][bleep][bleep]ing pissed about this game its unreal. Way to become money grubbing whores and then [bleep][bleep][bleep][bleep] your bread and butter with a deseased dick blizz.

GTA: ok its just a remake of the old ones... with "interactive prostitution" now! :D But come on... it was original. And you cant tell me you dont get a kick outta putting in some cheat codes and seeing how long you can live with 5 stars.

Halo + Halo 2: The single player is ok... not great. I hated H2's single player, wasnt near long enough and being the alien imo was gay at times. The real action here is the multiplayer! 16 ppl linked up all going at it = OMG! if youve never had a lan party with this game your missing out on what multiplayer console games are truely capable of being.


Halo 2 did suck, Doom 3 was just lame ass,
I dont like games that i can't see what im shooting who cares if you give me a 1$ flash light they just suck. Most Dark games that you can't see whats in front off you will make me not even bother to play the game.

Fable i just got done finishing, i thought it was a great game for certain people.
But it was extremly easy to play for me :|"Maybe cause i game all day everyday" Well anyway Maybe its just me.. Half life 2 was heart pumping action for me, nice and bright lots of action till i got to the end..."Your all out of time" Hahaha what a lame ending Lawl.


I like Halo

I enjoyed Halo, as long as i had someone else to play it with me. The single player version for me was but i found it more enjoyable playing co-op with a friend or of course against each other. I love the PC version but only the online play couldn't stomach the single plyr version again.

* an aside * Does anyone have any thoughts about Star Wars Battle Front II? I have read some mixed reviews about it and haven't goteen a chance to try it? Just would like feedback if anyone can offer any.

Lt. Dan

Just to throw one out there, and maybe keep the thread alive...........

Try F.E.A.R. ..... great game, light years better than Doom3. Not as dark, but every bit as scary as hell.

Halo/2 are pretty good.... but HalfLife pissed me off.... Steam really sucks.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I agree with FEAR although I haven't played it that much. It reminds me a LOT of Doom, but far better and not as repititious.