Lego Universe


Basket Chassis
Staff member
I had been following this for quite some time and then it eventually fell onto the back burner while I rip up Pandora in Borderlands. With the DLC due out and almost no content left for me to play I figure I'd have a peek at how Lego Universe is shaping up.

Well it's in the beta phase and is due to launch October 26th. It looks like it might be a fun change of pace from your typical MMO since it seems to have MMO elements like group quests but lets you bring some creativity into the world by designing your own castles and such. There are also mini games so I think it's safe to assume that this game doesn't take itself too seriously, which is great for me. Now I don't have to block off 5 hours that I don't have to go raiding.

My application has gone in and I was wondering what people thought of it, if you'll give it a shot or if the review might show up on a particular review website the I'm quite fond of. *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*
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Basket Chassis
Staff member
I can't believe that people aren't interested in this. Lego was a quintessential toy of most of our youths. From the time we opened a new pack to the time Mom sucked it up in the vacuum cleaner I remember building everything from car ramps to castles to bridges...

If it's not a true time sink that requires grinding (and I can't really see it being that way) then I may just give it a try. It should help ease the pain of leaving Lord Of The Rings Online and the complete flop of APB.