Lavalys EVEREST is no More, Resurfaces as AIDA64

Rob Williams

Staff member
About a month ago, I decided to check out the Lavalys website to see if there were any newer versions of EVEREST available to what we were using, and was a bit surprised to see an overall lack of updates. I didn't think too much of it, but apparently there was a good reason for it. Lavalys, the company originally behind the popular PC tool, is soon to be no more. But don't worry, that doesn't mean the end of the tool.

Read the rest of our post and discuss it here!


Tech Monkey
It is better than Everest in several places, new benches were added and updated. Also the portable computer stuff was updated, it also detects a lot of newer hardware, my Vizio LCD TV is now reported VS generic monitor. The new CPUID is nice too, same with the cache and memory bench.