Kinecting the Dots: Where Motion Gaming Needs to Change

Rob Williams

Staff member
With the three major console developers having launched their respective motion technologies, the hungry demand for games that get people out of their chairs is being fed. But does that mean that current implementations are perfect? I don't think so, and attempt to explain the reasons why.

You can read the full editorial and flame it here!


Basket Chassis
Staff member


Tech Monkey
I have to agree with you, Rob, on pretty much all points. Motion gaming isn't really all that appealing to me. I'd rather use the controller or keyboard/mouse for most things. If I need exercise, I usually just go for a walk!


The One, The Only...
I liked the Wii... For wii sports, and wii play. Past that, mario kart was ... well... annoying somewhat to play.

The games using the classic controller were awesome games, but lacked the generational ability.

Brawl, Zelda, Dragon ball, and the two games at the start of this post were about it in fun factor for me. Everything else was lack luster, and horribad.