Keepin my homies in tha loop...

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
You are a wonderful person bro. Someone is going to take home an amazing PC. I jsut hope it brings in some serious loot.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Can't wait to see the progress man. I am not personally a huge fan of hockey (despite being canuckian), but it's still impressing me thus far.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Yeah, I am also not a huge fan of hockey but charity work is very rewarding. Unless it's court ordered of course.



Not sure if you have this covered or not... but there's a company called PureOrange that sell a neat hockey theme puck. If I was part of their marketing department, I'd definately send you a mouse for the exposure it would give. I have one, which is about the ultimate because it has the Toronto Maple Leafs logo, but I'm sure a Dallas Stars one would look a good, despite being a distant 2nd. :) Actually it would take nothing to pop out whatever logo was in it and replace it with whatever you wanted. In the clear liquid is a floating hockey puck.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
The kick is up.... and it's good!

Thats a great looking PC there TD. Thank you for including Techgage in the sign too. We are wishing you the best of luck at the auction. Nice going bro!

Rob Williams

Staff member
Dude, that is intense! I love everything about it... the lighting, the innards, the custom peripherals. I am not a huge hockey fan, but you don't need to be to appreciate this case.

I -love- the fan duct in the door... great job. Seriously man, wow. This is going to fetch a pretty penny :D


Tech Monkey
If I had not had you guys assisting, this rig would have been "difficult" to "damn near impossible" to have pulled off.

I take my hat off to you guys for opening up your vendor resources and assisting me! THAT was a life saver to me.

Now... I just need to figure out when the Stars want this case...

Rory Buszka

Partition Master




Those lighting effects are incredible. That's some serious attention to detail there -- a $10,000 rig, at least! Usually I'm not a fan of case bling, but this is really well-done. Way to go, TD, you've done us all proud.
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Tech Monkey
I humbly am but a vessel...


Thanks for the commentary guys! I was already feeling good about the case... it is very re-affirming to have you guys hyped about it as well! :)

I got an email from the Stars today, I'll be delivering this case next Monday!


Tech Monkey
Awesome dude. I'm guessing you're going to meet the whole team? If so, that's going to be just awesome! I know it's for charity, and a great cause, but whoever gets it is going to be one happy camper. ;) :) :D


Tech Monkey
Sold it last night for $3500... the new owner is to call me and set up a time for when we can deliver this machine and set it up.

Rob Williams

Staff member
To be honest, I expected higher, much higher. The job you did on it was worth $3,500 alone ;-)

You must be relieved it's all over with now though. What other projects do you have in the pipeline?

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Thats certainly lower than I expected but it still $3500 more than the charity of choice had before the auction.


Tech Monkey
Yeah... I had hoped for more too. It actually got stuck @ $2800 before I jumped in and told the buyers that I would personally come to their house and set it up... then the bids started flowing again.

The case was supposed to have been autographed, and it was not. I fear that was what doomed it to a sub $4000 bid. All I wanted to do was to try and at least break even. And I think, with all of the hardware that was inside the computer, I did just that. A computer this powerful will appeal to a pretty limited market. I think I found the one guy with money last night that is willing to not only own it, but appreciate it.

Next up, I have a quick build with my son, then I finish up DST for my friend, then I *hopefully* start up on my build for Quakecon.

All of this, and I am agressively pursuing the purchase of our first house... I may have a gap in my plans if we hook the hacienda! That will eat a few weeks out of my modding time while I move and get settled! ;)

Thank you for the support guys!

Right now, I have a 17" LCD that I have borrowed from an un-named location... so I am still looking for a permanent monitor! (It cracks me up that I got so much expensive hardware donated, and the hardest thing that I have had getting is a device that is very commonplace! Very Odd indeed!) ;)

I'll have pictures of the event up as soon as my energy goes back up! (last night was exhausting!)