KDE 4.0 Beta 3 Pictorial

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our front-page news:
The next major KDE update is due in early December, and early looks are all over the place. This one in particular takes a look at many various aspects of the updated desktop environment, and I have to say, things are looking good. In fact, things are turning out a lot better than I had personally expected. I'm not one who loves "OS bling", but KDE seems to be doing a good job of mastering a clean design and great usability. There are some areas that still need polish, but it doesn't look like anything should effect the December 11th launch.

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The bottom shows the new panel, the new menu button and one type of the new clock. Plasma at work. The menu is a KDE 4 port of OpenSuse's new KDE menu and therefore comes with several tabs: Favorites, Applications, My Computer, Recently Used and Leave. While I'm not if I will grow used to this it definitely can help new users. It also supports search for application names or search for meta names (like "Browser").

Source: Liquidat Blog


Tech Monkey
I was just looking at the KDE version of Ubuntu 7.10 today and was thinking about giving it a run, I sort of like the user interface...........;) . Guess I'll have to request a set of CD's for this distro as well.
