Is it worth the $100...

Krazy K

Partition Master
I thought about upgrading my Thinkpad to a SSD just to allow a longer battery life. I haven't dropped it yet but I agree the shock protection is an added incentive. That's not a bad price, if you need a drive I would say go ahead and try it. It's more expensive but maybe next time it will save you.


Thanks guys. I really shouldn't have "dropped" (read the quotes...I didn't drop it) my VAIO, but in case it really drops :)

The Newegg reviews do seem VERY critical about the Write speeds. Can anyone back this up...I won't have the time today to crosscheck anything...thanks guys you are the best.

(edit: I did find this good review.. "For instance, I'm sure you'll probably see huge gains if used in a laptop.")
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Tech Monkey
Most SSD's fall behind in writing speeds, but does that really matter when you are looking for drop protection? I mean they are still good enough when it comes down to it, the price is really the limiting factor here.


Thanks. I already ordered it, write speed isn't much of a concern since most of what I've done on that laptop is simply Word (or to be specific OpenOffice). $100 for a quicker, more efficient HD = worth it for now


Wow...just wow. Haven't ran into any problems yet...but it really sped up the Vista startup/shutdown and overall UI. Just I hope that rebate comes back :eek:

Rob Williams

Staff member
I wish I noticed this thread sooner. That drive is not the best best out there, and there's a reason it costs $100 for a 64GB, when quality SSD's are at least four times that. I'm really surprised you haven't noticed a speed hit though. According to Anand, it fails horribly where writes are concerned. He couldn't even send an IM without it being a bit delayed. That's why the drive is now discontinued... it's the fault of the memory controller used.

You already bought it, but you can read about what I'm talking about here:


Yeah, they brought that up in the Newegg reviews (they actually reactivated the product). That being said, I've had phenomenal luck with this HD; still no problems yet and still running circles around my old Seagate, still worth the $$$ I spent on it.