I can see google maps with the PSP if I am not mistaken. And all the DS lacks to take notes is a way to store something in pictochat.
Combine these two things are you are still only looking at ~< $300 + a mem stick.
So I will add again... You are paying for what exactly?
I actually wonder how hard it would be to turn a DS into a phone...
Like other PDA's, it has numerous features that one would need/want on the go. As much as I am tired of hearing about the iPhone, compared to other PDA's, it's not overly expensive. Most decent Palm hand-helds cost between $500 and $700.
I kinda wonder why those cost as much as they do... What does Microsoft charge them for that OS?
Edit: A friend of mine just mentioned to me that the iPods have a 40% markup at launch and that figure usually grows as the manufacturing becomes cheaper.
Last I heard most electronics were not quite that high.
I'm just going to copy pasta the convo:
Kunan: the iPod line from apple has a 40% markup at the launch of a product
Kunan: and it grows as it becomes easier to manufacture
Kunan: it only costs about $60 to make the DS a movie player now
Kunan: get a 1 gig micro SD and a M3 DS Simply which goes in the DS Slot
Kunan: $10-20 and $40-50
Kunan: there's homebrew pda software for ds
Kunan: that uses the movie player
That takes the high end of those figures I was throwing around a post or so ago down.