Intel's X58 Chipset to Cost Less than X48?

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our front-page news:
Regardless of the motherboard, the most expensive component is the chipset, which includes both the North and Southbridge. Though prices aren't confirmed, the rumored price for an Intel P45 chipset is $40 in quantities of 1,000, while X48 hovers around $55. So with that, we'd imagine that the upcoming X58 chipset would be even worse, right? Well according to sources close to Fudzilla, that might not be the case at all.

In fact, their sources state that X58 is about $20 less expensive than X48. I have a hard time believing this, personally, because we are dealing with a revamped chipset that's capable of a bit more than previous generations. Why it's $20 less expensive is what I'd like to know.

Aside from the chipset itself, what strikes me odd is the prices of the motherboards, which are rumored to be over $400 at launch for a "mainstream" model, like the ASUS P6T or Gigabyte's GA-X58-DS4. So, if the chipset is lower, then why are the boards so expensive? Fudzilla goes on to state that the reason lies with the required components, like an eight-layer PCB, which is apparently around 25% more expensive than a six-layer.

Could it be that Intel priced X58 accordingly to offset the prices of the motherboards? If X58 is indeed less expensive, I'd be curious to see if the tradition would continue onto future mainstream models.


We don't know exactly what the price of a motherboard PCB is, but we're sure it's a fair share of the cost of a motherboard. However, we have a feeling that in this case, a lot of the motherboard manufacturers want to cash in on the new platform and they also want to sell their X58 products at a higher price than their X48 models, since it's the latest and greatest model in their line-up.

Source: Fudzilla


I've noticed that while most computer components are going down over time...mobos seem to be getting more expensive...?


The Tech Wizard
( Standing up from chair ) ( Knuckles on desk, leaning over, gritting teeth )
It's Greed, I tell you, greed
And now in the USA, we are paying the loan defaults of those who wanted a bigger house that they could not afford.



Techgage Staff
Staff member
I'm sure there's a markup in them because they're enthusiast boards, but the bigger question is how much of a different between flagship X58 boards like the DQ6, and the price/performance models like the DS4.

Frankly, if the DS4 is rumored to be over $400, then the DQ6 would have to cost $500+... which is completely silly. I don't believe any of that. I would honestly not be surprised to see $400 end-all-be-all boards, but I would expect plenty around the usual $266 mark too.

There is some good truth to the news article... any X48 or 790i motherboard you use is just 4 layers. So imagine doubling that to 8 layers, it's going to significantly impact motherboard manufacture costs. Frankly I always thought it was interesting the motherboard usually cost less than a CPU, but that probably won't be the case for to much longer.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Well, there's undeniably a markup, but it seems to get worse with each new launch. The X48-based Rampage Extreme retails for around $400, while the P5E3 Premium sells for around $300. The P6T is supposed to retail for over $400, so what kind of pricetag are we going to see on the X58 Extreme model? It's getting a little ridiculous. The Intel DX5400 was $600, and that was somewhat understandable, but prices like that sure as heck shouldn't become the norm.

I'm leaning towards agreeing with you though Kougar... I really can't see them excluding the bulk of the market right off the get go with prices like that.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Yeah, they have been increasing the prices on the flagship boards with every new launch, and it sucks. But those kinds of prices never seem to phase some people and so people keep buying those boards... as long as people buy them, they will continue to raise prices until they find that sweet spot.

Even if only a handful of people can afford a $500 board, it wouldn't cost more than $200 to make it I believe. The profit margin would be so huge they would ahve more reason to sell $500 boards than $125 budget offerings... but I fully agree with ya they can't afford to out-price their mainstream customers. :)

Rob Williams

Staff member
That makes sense. It's just another one of those exploits against the consumer that I hate. To help "justify" the added cost, they add a whack of features, features that a lot of people wouldn't even use (like the LCD poster that comes with ASUS boards). Sure not cheap nowadays to be a hardcore enthusiast, heh.

I do hope to see some quality X58 boards at launch that don't cost an arm and a leg. Board vendors I've been talking to haven't been too verbal about what's on the way.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Well I lost the bookmark when my array vanished, but just about everyone's X58 board has been covered. Foxconn's, MSI's, the "final" final revision of the DQ6, Intels. MSI was going to have three X58 boards, everything but the price was given. ASUS's P6T or whatever it was, and the Rampage II Extreme were both covered too. The info with photos are out there, if that helps ya any. :D

Rob Williams

Staff member
We need to get some more in, that's for sure. We've (I've) been a little slow on the ball. We have an ASUS P6T here along with Intel's DX58SO. A Gigabyte board is en route also (not sure which one), but it's been slow. We should definitely be able to cover all three of those boards for our launch content though.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Ah, found some of the links. Info+photos are out on:

Foxconn, three different X58 boards.
ASUS, three different X58 boards.
MSI, two different X58 boards plus one still in design phase
Intel, one X58 board
Gigabyte, two X58 boards
An OEM version of a Skulltrail board was also spotted, and it was confirmed there would be a Bloomfield-Skulltrail board based on X58.

Even Abit has a blue X58 board ready, I wasn't sure they were going to be around anymore. Am sure there are more, but these are just the boards I've seen actual photos and specsheets on.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Haha, that doesn't surprise me for some reason, and I guess it does make sense. The boards can still run SLI, so that's all eVGA and others would care about. I had no idea of the value though... $5 per motherboard for the sake of including SLI support? It's not too bad, but I still hate the fact that it's $5 for thin air.