Intel's "Sponsors of Tomorrow" Commercials - Marketing Brilliance?

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our front-page news:
I'm a man who does not enjoy his commercials. Like the ads on our site, I understand why commercials, online of off, are necessary, but the truly good commercials are far too rare. Most are boring, repetitive, and grow old fast. There are special occasions when that's not the case, such as during the Superbowl, but that's because that's a time when advertisers actually put real effort into creating a commercial that's both informative and fun.

Some recent exceptions to my ad hatred would have to be Intel's "Sponsors of Tomorrow" commercials. These ads are simple overall, and don't push a particular product, but rather allow consumers to enter the minds of Intel engineers. I'm sure a lot of this is exaggerated, but it doesn't make it less funny. Just how successful this ad campaign is, and whether or not it will result in higher revenues, I'm not sure, but it's sure not going to hurt.

Over the past few months, there's been a variety of Sponsors of Tomorrow commercials released, and all of them are available at YouTube from Intel's "channelintel" erm... channel. One of the funniest (in my opinion) was released just two days ago, and is pictured below (click it to go straight to the video). This is the type of humor that, despite involving complex situations, comes off lightly to anyone.

I've showed these videos to a variety of people over the past few weeks, and the responses have been overwhelmingly positive. Even the tech illiterate could appreciate them, and that says something. As far as I'm concerned, this is what creative marketing should be, and I'd have little doubt that it has the potential to keep the name "Intel" to stick in people's minds. What do you think? Hit up the video below, and the others I have listed below it.

Intel "Oops" TV Ad
Our Co-Workers Aren't Like Your Co-Workers
Our Doodles Aren't Like Your Doodles
Our Parties Aren't Like Your Parties
Our Perks Aren't Like Your Perks
Our Team Players Aren't Like Your Team Players


Lol, funny vids, especially the "Our Parties aren't like your parties." You can tell Intel paid a pretty penny to whichever marketing agency created these ads.

Coupled with Intel record third quarter results, this makes me long for another chip maker to make the market more competitive.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Yes, Intel no doubt paid a lot for these ads, but I'd have to say whatever value it was, it's worth it. I've watched that "jokes" ad like 10 times and still find it hilarious. The look at the guy's face is priceless.

As for competitiveness, that's always a good thing. I hope for it soon as well.