In flight wifi FTW


Seriously, that's some intense hardware. You're playing with a piece of PCB that costs as much as some houses, LOL. Or nearly a Bentley GT.

Your job must be extremely interesting.


My personal testbed has 2 of the big ones, 2 of the medium ones, and 2 of the small ones...

The big'uns have 10 IOMs (Cards that contain ports, like the 100G), and 2 CPM (cpu modules), the middle have 5IOMs and 2CPMs and the small ones have 1IOM and 1CPM

BTW, AT&T and BT both have 6000+ of the big'uns ;)

My job is every boys dream... I get payed to break tomorrows generation stuff ;) Brett calls me a professional hacker, but I like to call myself a "tester" ;)