Hilariously bad movie editing...

Rob Williams

Staff member
I watched the first Die Hard last night with my brother, and noticed a hilarious spot where an edit should have been made, but wasn't. I am sure many people here have seen this movie, but at around the 35m mark, John is in a room of the office building where construction has not completed. A German guy walks through a door, turns on the light, and the scene following that one shows him to the right side of the screen, with the window directly in front of him, about five meters.

In the reflection of the glass is crew members for the film! Included a picture of it below (sorry for the lighting).

If this is a well-known bad-edit, sorry, but I found it too funny to not mention.


  • die_hard_glitch.jpg
    676.5 KB · Views: 904


The Tech Wizard
Oh Yes....
And nothing like watching an old western and then you see jet trails in the sky. Now we can edit all that out


Rob Williams

Staff member
I watched Live Free or Die Hard three times (incredible for me) and I never noticed such issues. Have any examples?


Partition Master
I watched Live Free or Die Hard three times (incredible for me) and I never noticed such issues. Have any examples?
Forgive me, what I meant to say was that Live Free or Die Hard was a phoned-in piece of crap movie that should've been edited out of existence.

Note to all you uber-hackers out there - the next time a mysterious group of people give you a fully assembled uber-PC in an acrylic case as payment for some code you're writing for them, be sure and check the back of the case to see if there's a light labelled "C4 Armed".

Rob Williams

Staff member
I couldn't agree more. The entire movie was outrageous in almost all regards. I still loved it overall, though. I find it humorous how Hollywood glorifies hacking as though it's the prettiest thing in the world. Yeah, I'm sure these hackers are going to take the time to code up an extremely intuitive hacking interface in order to get the job done.