Hellgate London: Coming Soon!



As everyone should well be aware, the long-awaited Hellgate: London is slated to ship this Halloween!

But will it be any good?

Well, currently www.hellgatelondon.com is offering the chance to register your email address for the chance to access the open beta when it finally begins.
Of course, should one pre-order the game from any major retailer, you can get access to the closed beta a lot sooner!

That aside, I can predict that Hellgate will be well worth your hard earned, and for free massively multiplayer mayhem, do I need to say anything further?

Currently, sadly, the Beta is still under an NDA, but believe you me, the moment it's lifted, Techgage will be the first to hear about it!

In the meantime, however, what are peoples thoughts on Hellgate? The most anticipated features? Biggest teases?


I am skeptical how well all of this will work if the servers are US based. WoW is tricky at times with the latency we have here in Australia, but I reckon something more FPS like this will be simply painful :-( Which is a big shame as the game and concept otherwise looks great! Something that will warrant a look when they offer a demo or trial period I reckon, or if I get in to the Beta, then can see what difference it makes.


This sure looks like a nice game, I signed up for the beta a while ago and I'm still hoping to get in.


WoW is tricky at times with the latency we have here in Australia.

Though they won't actually be blizzard servers, it does raise a good point.
We all know (mostly know?) how safe and sane the battle.net servers are.
When you consider lag a balancing factor in Hardcore games, it's time to get new servers.


I'm in Australia. I... imagine... the pings... might... be... awesome... {/nda}

Just like the game itself... in... a... hypothetical... situation?


Partition Master
I'm quite interested in this game too. I like it when games are different from the usual. This one looks like a nice mix of traditional rpg + 3rd person adventure + 3rd person shooter.