Hehe, this is great :)


Partition Master
Man that brought back some good memories. Now I'm tempted to stay home all day just to play some of the old school FF games I have *coughstoredonmycomputernotsolegally* in my 'oldschool gaming library'.

I was a huge FF fanatic, until FFX came out. I'm kind of tired of the whole art direction the FF series are going in. You know the whole futuristic robots and lazors with swords and magic approach, and the main characters look like rejects from a Calvin Klein commercial.

Jen McPherson

Resident Artist Nerd

I've always loved Final Fantasy for the storylines, and I have to say that most of the ones for the graphics rich consoles are lacking in that area. They want everything to look pretty but forget the adventure and depth that their old 2-D games use to have.

Final Fantasy 6, or 3 when it was released to the US on the SNES, was the best one in my opinion.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Ahh, that flash is an oldie, but a goodie.

I wholeheartedly agree, FF 3 (6 JAP) is the best one for sure. I also lost interest after 10 came out. 9 was good, but 10 was too.. not final fantasy.

I remember when FF3 was out, my mom and me paid $70 for it USED. It was so hard to come buy, even when it was relatively new, lol.

Jen McPherson

Resident Artist Nerd

Yeah I know, my parents bought it a long time ago when it was first released, and I bought the new release of FF6 when it was sold as a set with Chrono Trigger (yet another oldie but goldie that I love :D) in Final Fantasy Chronicles. Great games with awsome storylines.

Not that I haven't tried the other FF games, but well they just don't have the style and fun that FF6 had :)

Perhaps I should have put this under the gaming section! :D


The One, The Only...
Bow To FF7. NOW!

*waits for bows*

Ok. Now that flash was pretty good. And so what if I think all other RPGs are trash?


Partition Master
Those were the days, when my pops spent 90 bucks on the friggin cratridge game when I got straight A's. I mean sure I might be asian, but for me getting straight A's was like a crack addict finding a cure to addiction, it just doesn't happen. It's amazing what years can do to technology. I remember that game was so friggin awesomenessism and thought it was worth every penny of that 90 bucks. Now today, you can basically *coughdownloaditinabout3or4secondscompletelyfree*.
Chrono Trigger was also a great one, another good one was Secret of Mana, and the old school Legend of Zelda games. Man those were so friggin awesome, and man I feel like an uber geek remembering my childhood lifetime (games and more games.)
I also liked Final Fantasy 5, which wasn't released in America until FF Anthology came out. Final Fantasy Tactics for the PSX was awesome too. I love the whole job system, it was just great stuff. Final Fantasy 2, which was released before FF3(6) was also a great one. Man talking about this stuff brings a tear to my eye, so many memories.

Oh yeah, and that GuildWars avatar, the lady in that really looks like my cousin in law... except not asian... man that's freaky. I can only imagine how she feels when she see's that.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Ahh yeah, Chrono Trigger was great. I hated it for a reason, because I found a way to beat the game without even accomplishing half the stuff you needed. I beat it 'early' by accident, lol.

I hated Anthology for the PSX.. holy god the load time. I ended up bring it back to the store the day after it came out.

Secret of Mana was also very good. Don't think I actually ever beat that one though, but it was a goodie.

Jen McPherson

Resident Artist Nerd

Played those two as well, good games but don't like them as much as I like FF6. Thats the best RPG of the FF series, and not even on the fancy 3-d systems.

Game wise I looooove the Castlevania games. Played them all. The only one I didn't like was Castlevania 64. WTH was up with that game? What were they thinking? The biggest piece of crap ever... I swear. Otherwise all Castlevania games are good.

Ok DS, time to move this to the gaming thread!! :D


The One, The Only...
Na we can talk about your flash some more.

Did anyone take the time to read through the loading screen theatrics? That was an ok lil adition to the over all gosuness of the flash!


Partition Master
Castlevania for the Super Nintendo, best one ever. Forget which one it was, but it was the one that was totally sweet and uber awesomeness.
You know before you fight dracula theres that invisible stair case that gives you double/triple shot and the x boomerang and like a gazillion hearts.
I think it might of just been called Super Castlevania or something.

Castlevania Symphony of the Night is also one of my favorites, along with GBA ones.

Metroid, old school Metroid. Now that was the shizzle.