Has Gearbox Software Taken Over Duke Nukem Forever Development?

Rob Williams

Staff member
As hard as it may be to believe, it's been well over a year since 3D Realms posted that it'd be shuttering. Since then, a lot has happened, including the realization that it hasn't shuttered, but rather that it is running with a skeleton crew. But, with that skeleton crew, it meant that continued Duke Nukem Forever development was essentially up in the air.


Read the rest of our post and then discuss it here!


Basket Chassis
Staff member
We were talking about this earlier at work since a few of us are big time Borderlands fans. If they do as good of a job without too much interference from 3D Realms (and by interference I mean change after change after change after...) I can see this piece of vaporware becoming a HUGE success assuming it finally gets released.

Shake it baby!


Senior Editor
Staff member
But - but - but.... if Gearbox releases DNF, we'll need a new poster-child for vaporware.... WINFS maybe? Even the serious sam jokes about the blonde guy will loose meaning.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
But - but - but.... if Gearbox releases DNF, we'll need a new poster-child for vaporware.... WINFS maybe? Even the serious sam jokes about the blonde guy will loose meaning.
While it's not vaporware I doubt we'll ever see a game developed on a major blockbuster movie that doesn't suck. That's a white whale if ever there was one.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Duke Nukem, Forever in speculation!

I predict in 100 years some kid will write the game inside the VR realm once the rights expire, just to finally publish it. ;)