Graphics Card or Memory?


Well, I got quite a crappy are some specs. not sure if more is needed to know.

AMD Athlon 1700+
Runs at 1.7 ghz
256 MB of ram
ATI Radeon 9200 SE 128 MB

I am thinking of what to get a graphics card or more memory if I wanted to make my game run smoother.. memor yor video card? if so, please state what I should get.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Would somewhat depend on what kind of games you are planning on playing. You do have a low amount of memory for all the latest games, but your video card also needs some serious love.

Is there a specific game you are looking for to run better? Chances are.. you may want to just save up for a new system if you are wanting to play all the latest and greatest.


:!: Oh man you need both vid and memory. I curse the economy of computer upgrades that make things so expensive. On any modern gaming rig, I'd recomend a minimum of 512 megs of ram, 1gig if you can afford it. That will give you a boost of performance in game and out of game. You can find some good deals at newegg.

Video card upgrade is also imperative. The 9200 is showing it's age at this point. You should reach for something in the nvidia 6xxx range, or the ATI x8xx Range. Some good deals can be found at newegg,zipzoomfly, etc etc.


Nosebiter, you think like I do. (that is good). :p

Definitely get both. Start with memory, and run your games at low rez til you can afford the better card. Then, that way if another generation card comes out, you can decipher if it is worthwhile to get it ahead of the other, while your system will still be operational without it.


The One, The Only...
I would personaly recomend the video card first. Why?

1. Most video games still onyl require 64-128 ram to operate. And while you performance on them might be seriously slow and lagging at times its still doable.

2. Video cards are a different subject. Most of the newer games are seriously pushing the limits of some of the older games (and not just in the simple specs either). Driver information, mb, display, the whole show! I persoanlly had to upgrade my Video card just so that i could play CoH (for the short time that I did). It was impossible to play on my older card, and lineage 2 was taxing it as well. Now with even my mid grade vid card my graphics and gameplay have smoothed out and I honestly havent had an ingame glitch since.

I would agree that you really just need to upgrade both, but at this point in time with video games being what they are, Video card first man!