GIGABYTE Aivia K8100 Gaming Keyboard

Rob Williams

Staff member
GIGABYTE's not a huge name in the peripheral business, at least on these shores, but it hopes that will change in the near-future. To help kick things off, it recently released its first gaming keyboard as part of its Aivia line-up, and in addition to sturdy construction, it features unique color choices, macro capabilities and an excellent feel.

You can read our in-depth look at GIGABYTE's K8100 and discuss it here!

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I really don't care for the red but that's a personal preference.

The back lit keys are something that every keyboard should have. No exceptions. Not even on notebooks.

I love the fact that they are thoughtful enough to include a few W,A, S and D keys at replacements.

I still haven't been able to find anything that comes close to the Saitek Eclipse II. Even at work, my DiNovo Edge doesn't compare the the comfort of the Eclipse II. Maybe its just something you get used to after years of use :)


Basket Chassis
Staff member
Pair that keyboard up with an InWin Ferrari case and you in gearhead heaven.

If I were Gigabyte I would have gone with the same color scheme as their Ghost series of Mice. Grey with red accents would look bomb diggity!

Rob Williams

Staff member
I haven't seen the black version in person, but judging from the shot of it, it does kind of look like it mimics the color of that M8000 mouse. Oh, and to be clear, Ghost isn't the series, it's the name of GIGABYTE's macro technology. Kind of strange to brand THAT and not the mouse itself, but whatever. I think it learned its lessen though, given this board does have a series.