Gear Up! at Techgage!
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</td></tr></tbody></table>For the month of April, Techgage wants you to Gear Up! From our great friends at NCSoft, we've been given a selection of rare and sought after game gear from NCSoft games such as Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa, Guild Wars, City of Heroes/Villains and Lineage II!
This week's contest is all about City of Heroes / City of Villains!
1st prize: City of Heroes Timecard, Assort. City of Heroes Bumper Stickers, and a City of Villains CAPE!
2nd prize: City of Heroes Time Card, & a City of Villains CAPE!
3rd prize: City of Heroes Time Card
This contest has ended!
Our winners are:
First place: Knightengale
Second Place: Marco Esquandolas
Third Place: to be announced
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This week's contest is all about City of Heroes / City of Villains!
1st prize: City of Heroes Timecard, Assort. City of Heroes Bumper Stickers, and a City of Villains CAPE!
2nd prize: City of Heroes Time Card, & a City of Villains CAPE!
3rd prize: City of Heroes Time Card
This contest has ended!
Our winners are:
First place: Knightengale
Second Place: Marco Esquandolas
Third Place: to be announced
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