GameStop's apology.


Tech Monkey
Not really, but that's what this seems like to me. Got this email today. Seems to me like they're saying "We are SO sorry that Sony sucks." Lol.


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Basket Chassis
Staff member
To me, this sounds like "Oh crap! Sony is doing a swan dive and we have X PS3s in stock! How are we going to get rid of them?"

Rob Williams

Staff member
I'd have to agree, Optix. It's kind of sad that it's come to this. I liked the PS3 quite a bit, but it's gone quite a bit downhill. This latest incident is just the worst of it all. By the time PSN is fully restored, it would have been down for well over a month. Ugh.

As a side note, I wonder how this has affected Xbox console/game sales?

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I love my PS3 and still use it daily. It sucks that I can't use Hulu but if you are persistent, you can push your way into Netflix by canceling out of sign in errors. I can still stream my movies over the network and I can still play my single player games, which coincidentally, I fucking love.

I do almost all of my online gaming on the PC so I really haven't missed much with the PSN being down. It was a slap in the face when XBOX got Hulu last Friday. I'm sure there were high fives all around at Microsoft when they announced that. What timing!

Sony has a long path ahead of them if they are going to try to make this right but I'm not going to sign off on my PS3 until I have a good reason. The PSN being down is not that reason.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I do almost all of my online gaming on the PC so I really haven't missed much with the PSN being down.

Same here. I didn't use the PS3 much at all before (the same goes for the Xbox though), but I did enjoy reading the new store releases each Tuesday. I loved seeing if just possibly, some classic PSone game I've been wanting to revisit would be released, since it's super-convenient to purchase them there and then play on the PSP.

Still waiting for the Tony Hawk's...

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Still waiting for the Tony Hawk's...

We will never get it. The gaming Gods are waving their dicks in our faces. One of the highest, if not the highest meta-critic scored game and its not on the PSN. Lame.
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Rob Williams

Staff member
I just don't get these companies (in this case, Neversoft and/or Activision). These games would run quite well on a PSP, and of course on the PS3. GIVE THEM TO US! Sure, I own two copies of the original, three of the second and third (different consoles), but still. I WANT MORE THPS!

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
At least they gave us THPS2 on iOS. That platform BLOWS for games like this though. How am I supposed to do a solid Christ Air if my greasy fingers can't touch the right areas of the screen. Come on!