Game contollers. Can anyone help?


Hello. Im new here but I read an article on the xb360 controller for PC. My question is if there is a list anywhere on web that lists the PC games that are compatiable with a controller. I am an avid FPS player. MOH War Chest wont support game pads but HALO will. Anybody know of a list or names of FPS or Shooter games that support FPS? Please dont tell me to get used to mouse and keyboard because Im too old to hold my fingers in all those precarious positions HAHA. Thanks Cur

Rob Williams

Staff member
Haha, you're never too old to handle a mouse and keyboard. It's hard to tell which games support the joypad, but if there's a demo for a specific game, you can download it first, then see.

As for the list of games compatible with the 360 controller, I am going to e-mail MS and see if they can provide one.

Welcome to the forums also :)



Thanks for the help. And yes I was in college when the first Commador 64 hit the scene so the ole finger joints aint what they used to be. :

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Welcome Cur.

Sometimes they list weather or not a game will support a controller on the system requirements on the game box. Most times they dont unfortunatly. I know getting my XBOX controller to work with BF2 was a no go. Hopefully MS can hook Rob up with a list for everyone's benefit.