Fan-Made Duke Nukem 3D Remake Gets the OK

Rob Williams

Staff member
Without question, one of my favorite PC games of all time is Duke Nukem 3D. I've played through the game numerous times, and even took advantage of multi-player back in the day (remember TEN?). Last year when 3D Realms released the game on the Xbox 360 as an Arcade title, I even bought it and went through the game again. It's a game that just doesn't seem to get boring, and how many of those ever come out today?

Read the rest of our post and discuss it here!


Tech Junkie
i dream about a day i would make a fan-made FPS StarCcraft: Ghost game! But i didnot know that even for a fan-made game u need permission cause its obviously gonna be free, hmm!

this looks pretty cool though! :)


Basket Chassis
Staff member
This is going to be pure win when it drops. The fact that Gearbox/3D Realms weren't douche bags about this makes DNF even better.

Here's hoping they use an updated musical score like

Tell me you wouldn't run through with a smile on your face while your mighty boot stomps a hole in a pig cop with that playing and I'll call you a liar.

Here's something taken from some comments on YouTube that made my day.

"Chuck Norris drinks water and pisses Red Bull. Duke Nukem drinks whiskey and pisses Chuck Norris!!! Hail to the king, baby!!!!"
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