Personally I think guys playing female characters in games have issues regarding their gender.
If I didn't stand to lose 90% of my friends, I'd say the same about anime watchers
I don't think that's really true. Maybe they just like looking at the female character ...

I've heard that excuse before, but even so, I can't wrap my head around it. Sure, you get to look at virtual boobies (which would be a strange goal to begin with), but that doesn't take away from the fact that it's
you you're looking at.
I think it's a bit different with a game like Tomb Raider where you're forced to play a woman. Not to mention the fact that it's also an offline game, so it's not as though you're appearing as a woman to thousands of other players.
Lineage II is the game that made this an issue for me. The physiques of women characters in that game are highly exaggerated and have resulted in many guys playing them as a result. If I end up partying with a woman character in a game, I'd just like to know that they are actually a woman in real-life, or vice versa. I know a lot of chicks who play dude characters in these games also.