Everglide g-1000 Pro Gaming Mouse

Rob Williams

Staff member
A good mouse can be hard to find and a bad mouse can be even harder on your mind. Today we take a look at a mouse that has just a slight issue.

After reading Matt's review here, you can discuss it in dis here thread!


Tech Monkey
Oh that's horrible:eek:..:(. I mean.. how did a plug-n-play mouse do such damage? Sorry to hear that happend.. It doesn't look like too bad a mouse, but yeah, I wouldn't risk it either.


Soup Nazi
I really wish I knew. When I first plugged it in it lit up, went out and I had to reboot a few times for it to work, after that it worked but my internet was gone.

Took me 2 days of archiving to save all my files from the C: drive before I could reinstall. What a pain in the posterior.


I had reviewed and am still using a gaming mouse from "iONE" (http://ione-usa.com/) called the Lynx-Q5. I've had no problems at all with it. It appears to be the exact same mouse. Same specs, same shape, same size. Different name and packaging. My networking consists of a router which has two printers hooked up to it currently...but just a single computer. The biggest problem I've had is it's made for right-handed folks and my wife is a lefty.


Tough luck

My goodness... Tough luck on your PC, but I really don't see how the mouse could've affected your PC that way....


Soup Nazi
I don't either but as soon as I plugged that thing in my internet was gone. I'm using a USB 802.11g dongle (as I showed in the USB hub review) and it stopped seeing the network at all. I hooked it up to another PC, it worked fine.

I unloaded it's driver, uninstalled the USB altogether, reinstalled everything and still no love.

It took a full reload before my wireless would function.