Ever feel dirty?


The One, The Only...
Ever felt dirty after touching someones pc to fix it?

The thing was so jacked up I almost told him to go ****ing buy a new one and call it day.

He couldnt install new programs because something was jacked up with his windows installer or remove NAV which was giving me a headache with how many dings,dong,wee'z,and bing's that were going off while I was at the computer.

"Yeah... I guess downloading porn is bad for it" -him
"I want something to clean your keys and mouse with now... Now! I'm not joking." -me

A lot of: alt+ctr l+del's, 3 Trojans, a host of spyware programs, and some downloads later, and the thing would actually let me: Install some things, reboot the computer, and remove NAV. (You have no idea how happy i was to get that last one done.)

AUGHG:LKHD:LHSSJKDFKJG!!!!!!11111111 [/end vent]

I feel like I need a shower now!

Anyone else relate?


most definetly, tell them to get a program called xoftspy, works GREAT :cool: finds like 300 spyware or so with limewire installed on peoples Pc's. That and I can't really stand fixing peoples pc's.....TOO FRIGGING SLOWWWWWWWWWWW. etc, etc, etc....


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I haven't had any "dirty" experiences, per say, but don't you ever bring up my name and computers around family or friends.

I think I need this shirt.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I help people if I deem it necessary. If they don't listen to my advice, I leave. eg: Those who still use IE even after I stress that Firefox is more secure/safe.


The One, The Only...
I haven't had any "dirty" experiences, per say, but don't you ever bring up my name and computers around family or friends.

I think I need this shirt.

I need an explanation, is it because you messed one up? Or because they need help and you're playing dumb? Ive done the latter.

most definetly, tell them to get a program called xoftspy, works GREAT :cool: finds like 300 spyware or so with limewire installed on peoples Pc's.

I use a combination of adaware and Spybot S&D

Both of them seem to get the job done in a suprisingly great way.
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I need an explanation, is it because you messed one up? Or because they need help and you're playing dumb? Ive done the latter.
I hate preaching to people who are extremely computer illiterate. I'm fine with teaching them if they want to learn, but trying to give them a dumbed-down explanation or solution for a problem that they are going to ignore or forget in the long run doesn't help them, and just annoys me.

It wouldn't be so bad if people actually expressed some sort of genuine appreciation when they have their problem fixed instead of only calling me when they have another issue, expecting me to go out of my way to fix it for nothing in return.


I use a combination of adaware and Spybot S&D

Both of them seem to get the job done in a suprisingly great way.

Yea, I use Adaware (Not a big fan of spybot...) and even after running a couple of scans xoftspy tends to still find more :D
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Tech Monkey
I reformat/reinstall my 2 brother-in-law's PCs about every6 months since they are retards and download porn and every other stupid thingusing IE and they shut off the A/V scanners and never run Adaware. Now, I don't even bother trying to save their files. I just reinstall right away. Oh yeah, I also charge them $100 a pop as a fine for their stupidity......


The worst for me was trying to work on a computer... and the insides were covered in about a 3 mm coat of dust/carpet fabric/cigerette tar/cat hair. I'm allergic to dust and cat hair, but usually can tolerate exposure. Not in this case. I had to fire up my huge compressor, run the air-hose into the middle of my yard, get dressed in coveralls and a dust mask and blow it out. Once inside, each part was removed and a further cleanning outside was performed. I was amazed that with no air space between the fan blades or fins on the heatsink the thing didn't fry out.

As for those porn computers... you can always get a 'fluid' detection test kit before you start working on them. Or bring your own keyboard and mouse ...and office chair ...and carpet ...etc.


The Tech Wizard
I have come across one computer that was covered in German Shepard dog hair. The vents and exhaust were covered with the hair.
Another was, When you do the repair, they ask what was wrong and then get all upset because they don't know what you just told them.
Motherboard Net cards don't last long, so bring a pci card with you always.
I look for clues around the computer before I even start to remove porn, mainly a trash can filled with just paper tissues, you learn after a while.
