EVE online


Hey guys, i was just reading up on EVE online and seen a Ad, "EVE online 15 day free trail NO CREDIT CARD NEEDED" So i went for it. Turns out there is NO SUCH thing at all. and you have to pay. What a total bullshiat ad. Anyone else ever get things like this happen to them before?


Considering how rediculasly lame and boring EVE is as far as MMOG's go...im not suprised.

There has been so many missed promises in that game, its sad. Makes me wonder why there are still those that play it.

I just use the long standard rule of thumb for that sort of thing.

If it sounds to good to be true...it probibly is.

Rob Williams

Staff member
The only MMO I have found to not require a credit card for a trial was Asheron's Call 2 (RIP :().

But yea, EVE Online is incredibly boring. I'd rather be playing solitaire.


The One, The Only...
Winner for best analogical sentance.

EVE = more boring than a cerebral bore while playing solitare in pleasantville U.S.A before the color change.

I was so diasapointed when I opened it up and discovered it wasnt twitch... Then after playing it for a week my first pvp experiance in it was being blind sided while doing the most boring of tasks, mining.