Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Set to be Released on November 11, 2011

Rob Williams

Staff member
For fans of the Elder Scrolls series, November 2011 is going to be a month to plan for, as the fifth game in the series, "Skyrim", is set to be released. The game acts as a direct sequel to Oblivion, taking place in the fictional land of Tamriel. The game will focus heavily on dragons, who in particular fear one known as Dovahkiin, or "the dragon born".

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Senior Editor
Staff member
There is always room for more Elder Scrolls games. And you'd probably hate Oblivion, no high speed action firing 30 million rounds a second, instead you typically get swords and hammers that fire at a rate of... once every 2 seconds... maybe the odd bit of magic. If you like stealth missions and involved story, go for it, some of the darker quests are actually highly amusing, waiting for someone to take their nightly bath in the lake, firing a lethal arrow at them then scampering away as quick as you can... hiding in a house and dropping a bull head on someone.... and a favourite of mine, going into a party house as a guest and picking people off one by one, either through direct confrontation or playing someone else to do it for you... then killing them. The shivering Isles add-on played on a very amusing level of psychotic behaviour and random outburst. Appeasing some of the Daedra gods was amusing as well... casting a spell on a closed party to make all their clothes disappear...

... and why am I concentrating on all the evil and psychotic stuff...


Tech Junkie
Mass Effect 3 will be coming out the same time! Wohoo!
2011 is gonna be awesome!
Crysis 2, Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3, Elder Scrolls V, Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm(hopefully!),
Diablo III(hopefully!), Dawn of War II: Retribution! ........ Max Payne 3??


Basket Chassis
Staff member
Diablo III with co-op has my eye. It's like Borderlands but with hack and slash and magic elements instead of crazy guns. I'm a sucker for treasure hunting.