ECS A780GM-A AM2+/AM2 AMD 780G HDMI ATX AMD Motherboard $59.99 AR, plus combo deals!


Partition Master
Newegg link

$69.99 - $10.00 MIR = $59.99. Rebate and combo deals expire 3/31.

Check out the extensive selection of combo deals including several Phenom CPUs, HD2400XT, HD3450 and HD3470 video cards, and a Media Center Remote.

This is currently one of only three 780G boards available, and the only ATX 780G motherboard available. While ATX might not be the best for an HTPC build, owners of Silverstone Lascala (or similar) cases may still appreciate these boards for their extra expansion slots.


Partition Master
Well, that's the thing. I mean, aside from the great new chipset, I can't find any specific information (reviews, etc.) detailing the extra features this board has.

Two main concerns are the tweaking options in the BIOS, and the possible inclusion of onboard memory for the frame buffer, which, according to AMD, should improve the video capabilities.

I think $60 is great any way you slice it, but other boards are cheap too, and the lack of info (and length of rebate availability) are giving me reason to pause.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I am not sure if those boards are designed for overclocking, really. If they are to be used for HTPC and similar use, I don't think an overclock would matter much (not that Phenom overclocks that well to begin with).

Still, seems like a great price for a board like that. Building an HTPC is easier than ever.