DVI-D and DVI-I video cards and monitors


The Tech Wizard
From what I see, the video cards, mostly are DVI-D and Monitors are DVI-I
Now what in the world?
They are not interchangable So why would they do that?
What I'm looking at doing is getting a nice monitor for the 8800GTX ( Or the new cards that maybe come out in June )
Anyone here using the 8800GTX using the DVI connector?
Or am I loosing it here :eek:)


Rob Williams

Staff member
You can use a DVI-D adapter in a DVI-I port, it's just that the four extra pins are not used. DVI-I has four extra pins for analog signals, while DVI-D is strictly digital. As far as I know, if a port is DVI-D and the cable is DVI-I, you can break off the four pins that are not used, but I wouldn't try it without doing a little research first.

The 8800GTX will work with any monitor, DVI-I or DVI-D, just get the right cable. I have it hooked up to Dells 2707WFP at the moment. Ultimately, if your monitor is DVI-I, you have not a thing to worry about.


The Tech Wizard
I just hate to put out that much $$$ and it be the wrong thing.
Thanks for the reply so fast
