Don't mame your cabinets!


No ROM battery
You got to love generalist TV stations; their lack of any research, or the careless treatment of news when they assigned journalists to areas they aren't specialized in.

There's currently an international Gaming Exhibit staying in Lisbon. It explores the history of computer and video gaming since its origins till modern times. You can actually play many of these games. One of the people in charge is interviewed for a national TV station and at some point he says that as far as video arcade gaming is concerned, all cabinets are the original thing, they didn't MAME any of them.

The portuguese subtitles for this interview new piece read something like this: "All cabinets are the original ones. We didn't destroy any of them". :rolleyes:

Rob Williams

Staff member
The portuguese subtitles for this interview new piece read something like this: "All cabinets are the original ones. We didn't destroy any of them". :rolleyes:

Haha! Ahh geez.

On a side note, that event would be cool as hell to attend.