Diskeeper 11 Released; Introduces 'Instant Defrag' and 'Efficient Mode'

Rob Williams

Staff member
Solid-state storage may dominate the headlines more often than most HDD vendors would like, and TRIM may have negated the need for a proper defrag, but Diskeeper, with its "11" version, reminds us that our lowly mechanical drives are still prone to slowdown over time, whether at home, or in the enterprise. And, for all intents and purposes, it's true, which is why I use it.


Read the rest of our post and then discuss it here!

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
From your news posting...

Rob Williams said:
Also in this version is HyperFast, the "SSD Optimizer" the the company unveiled just a couple of years ago. What this feature does is assure that data being written to the drive is done so in the most efficient manner possible, so as to avoid fragmentation while also reducing the number of writes to a given block, effectively increasing the lifespan of the drive.

I wonder how much overhead this causes? I would assume that's its unnoticeable but still, if it's checking out every file at a bit level, that has to impact performance.

I'm not an SSD user yet so I'm not entirely up to speed on how TRIM works from a detailed perspective so if I'm way off base, set me straight.
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Rob Williams

Staff member
From your news posting...

I wonder how much overhead this causes? I would assume that's its unnoticeable but still, if it's checking out every file at a bit level, that has to impact performance.

I'm not an SSD user yet so I'm not entirely up to speed on how TRIM works from a detailed perspective so if I'm way off base, set me straight.

First and foremost, that quote told me that I don't do a good enough job on proof-reading... I need to up my game.

If there's overhead, I'd have to imagine it's quite minimal, though it might be good for a test (how this could be benchmarked, I have no idea). I admit I am not totally familiar with how the tech works, but I will be going through some tech docs soon to help get a better grasp on it.