Discuss: Logisys Case-51

Rob Williams

Staff member
Last week, we reviewed the Janus case from Logisys Computer. But what if that case is too much for you? What about a somewhat normal case that's not beige? That's where the Case-51 case comes in. It offers a standard case, with some flair, and for a good price. Let's check to see how it made out in our review!

Check out the review here, and then feel free to comment in this thread.

Will Nave

Overall I think it would be a decent case for you 2nd or 3rd system. 50-60 bucks isn't a hard hit to the pocket book and the external cosmetics of the case aren't too shabby at that price. However, the issue with the video card does concern me, I would be interested in seeing if the alignment on other formfactors and manufacturers had issues as well. I would also be interested in seeing a picture of the video card's alignment from the rear of the case, just to see how bad it really is. All in all, pretty clean looking case (before your wiring job...lol ) with a decent amount of room to work with inside.
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The One, The Only...
If I were just going to be talking about look alone... This is my favorite case so far. I would even over look the swinging door issue beauce of the awsome looking lights :)

However. The wiring and other issues might be to much of a hassle for a the cassual comp nerd such as myself.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Will Nave said:
I would also be interested in seeing a picture of the video card's alignment from the rear of the case, just to see how bad it really is.

I was hoping to have a picture of that for the review, but the rest of my family has gone on vacation, and guess who's camera they took :)

Once I get it back, I can. It's not a major concern, but it still should not be that way.


Partition Master
Man, and here I was thinking my case looked totally friggin awesome. The case isn't being made anymore... heheh... so couldn't find a pick, nor do I remember the brand of the case. But it's a generic black case I got for 9 bucks at a computer show. \

My system looks wierd, too many colors. It's like a hobo driving a Lexus.

Rob Williams

Staff member

My friend liked the case in the review so much, that he went and bought one. Except he got the case with a Window, which is cool. They just came out.

May have to look into one of those in the nearer future.