Dirt 2 Due Out this Week, DirectX 11 Goodies Included

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our front-page news:
Where PC graphics are concerned, this week is a big one, because the first game on these shores capable of taking advantage of DirectX 11 technologies will be here, Dirt 2. The game was initially set for launch last month, but has since been delayed multiple times. Today was supposed to be the official launch, and even though AMD issued a press release stating that as being the case, it's still not available anywhere. Steam's website shows the date as being the 4th, and Amazon.com shows the 8th, so there's confusion somewhere. I'm willing to believe Steam's date, though, as it wouldn't surprise me to see a pre-release there, followed by a store release elsewhere.

The game, which bears the full name of "Colin McRae: Dirt 2", is the follow-up to the original that enjoyed great success. Though there are numerous racing titles out there, few take the racers off-road, and that's what Dirt is all about. This title is the first since McRae's passing in 2007, but he's more than just a name on the box, as he's featured in the gameplay, along with fellow off-road legends Travis Pastrana and Ken Block.

What makes this game special for PC gamers, though, is that it supports all the DirectX 11 goodies we had hoped would be included, and more. The game makes use of tessellation (the most commonly touted feature of DX11), and also introduces Shader 5.0 into the mix, for much more realistic lighting and shadows, without the supposed performance hit. Other graphical features include improved water effects, detailed and animated crowds (I am fussy when it comes to this, so I can't wait to see it) and more realistic physics, such as with flowing flags and cloth.

HDR (high-dynamic range) is a feature that first became popular a few years ago, but has since been used in numerous PC and console titles, in order to give a more "realistic" (that can be debated) lighting result, whether outdoors, or indoors with the sunlight shining through a window. AMD notes in its press release that this improved HDR has twice the color depth of what was possible with DirectX9, and that the special effects can be rendered at up to 4x the resolution.

Of course, there's much more to Dirt 2 than just the graphics, but given that this is the first DirectX 11 game available on these shores (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat was first, but it's currently only available in Russia), it's worth noting the eye candy. We'll be giving the game a good test later this week when it becomes unlocked on Steam, and it's my hope to get a chance to review it. I admit I'm not a major fan of off-road racing games, but given the DirectX 11 support, this one intrigues me greatly.


With a wealth of image quality and performance enhancements supported only on new Direct X 11-capable ATI Radeon graphics cards, DiRT 2, the thrilling sequel to the award-winning Codemasters off-road racer, offers players a more realistic, immersive and exhilarating experience than ever before, and is the latest example of the benefits of AMD's close working relationship with today's leading game developers.

Source: AMD Press Release

Rob Williams

Staff member
hmm.. that be interesting!!

Not really... DirectX isn't going to work on that card, plain and simple. Windows might show the SDK as being installed, but there's two sides to this coin, hardware and software. If the GPU doesn't support it via hardware, then it would have to support it via software, which is going to be extremely slow, and in regards to certain DirectX 11 techniques, impossible.


Tech Junkie
Not really... DirectX isn't going to work on that card, plain and simple. Windows might show the SDK as being installed, but there's two sides to this coin, hardware and software. If the GPU doesn't support it via hardware, then it would have to support it via software, which is going to be extremely slow, and in regards to certain DirectX 11 techniques, impossible.

d'oh! ah well, i am waiting for the GT300 series for upgrading anyways so, no biggie!:D


Techgage Staff
Staff member

Aye, what Rob said. I have an original 8800GTS 320mb, the first DX10 card and Windows 7 still says it has DX11 installed. As Rob said the software only looks at the libraries installed.

If you remember most NVIDIA cards do not support DX 10.1. As DirectX 11 is a superset of DirectX 10.1, all cards must support DX 10.1 before they can support DX 11. The 9600GT, GTX 260, and 8800GTS all do not even support DX 10.1.


I used my Sapphire coupon.

Game is not bad at all... I took opportunity to test Eyefinity with two 22" and one HP LP2475W 24" LCD and with all graphic at maximum, except AA, it goes over 30 fps, according to game benchmark! (That was 3 x 1600x1200)

I don't have steering wheel right now, so i can't tell too much about game play experience, but playing with keyboard with 1920 x 1200 is silky smooth. I succeed in wining 10 races in one hour, playing with keyboard :) at casual level.
My only cons are low res textures, from the logo on the bonnet, to the random things in game.
It is not a deal breaker, but without doubt it spoils gaming experience.
If I'm supposed to pay that much for game, graphic card with huge 1GB of memory, than i really don't want to see those low resolution textures any more :)
(Of course, not all textures all low resolution, but whenever you look around, you will see some :))
By the way, lighting effects and shadows are really great!


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Rob Williams

Staff member
Hah, nice setup, Misha! Glad to see someone on our forums is taking good advantage of Eyefinity. How are you enjoying the game so far? It becomes available in the US sometime tonight, so I'll download it on Steam whenever that happens. The graphics look gorgeous!


Whoa, just whoa...

The game looks amazing. Don't you just love how the game industry is doing so far?
This could be one of the games i've been waiting for...

Well, congratulations to whoever wins it ^^ I just hope i posted in right topic to get a shoot at wining : D


I have an 8800gt currently, and dirt2 only supports directx9 and directx11. You are not exactly missing much with directx 11. The game still runs and looks brilliant on my older 8800gt. Nvidia does have a dx11 card coming out, reports have it launching (gf100 is all we know as far as a name) around feb to march.

There are however a lot of new leaked info because of NDA expiring on jan 5th, so keep an eye out, for this new card.