Dell M1330 external display

Krazy K

Partition Master
I'm doing this for my parents so I don't need to hear why did you buy a Dell.

I just upgraded this M1330 to windows 7 from vista. Everything went smoothly until this week. The lcd they had hooked up quit working. It worked while I installed 7 and days later, but it just stopped. The monitor was swapped out so it isn't that. I'm thinking that I might be the dell software that controls when to enable the vga port on the side. The Fn+F8 doesn't activate the port. What I've come up with is that I still need to install the Intel GM965 driver. The Dell cd wont run since it doesn't support 7. Any ideas on this?
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Rob Williams

Staff member
Did you happen to look at the Dell support site for Windows 7 drivers? You might also want to check Windows Update, to see if the drivers are there.

I'd recommend also going straight to Intel's site and downloading the driver for the graphics, and see if that helps. It sounds like a simple issue, really, and given we're dealing with the VGA port, it probably is just a graphics driver issue.

Krazy K

Partition Master
You would think that but it's Dell. When I enter the service tag it comes back with only 2 drives. One for BIOS and the other for diagnostics. Intel's driver tell me that my system doesn't meet minimum requirements. It started working the other night, but it stopped soon after. I'm on a second monitor, so I don't believe that both are bad.

I think it has more to do with the FN+F8. These are keys just to the OS but with the right drivers it will enable the external display. This is what I'm looking for, and cannot find.
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