Definition of dumbass

Rob Williams

Staff member
I am not sure where my head is sometimes. I uninstalled the Maximus Formula motherboard to reinstall the P5E3 in order to double-check some performance results. Once the P5E3 was installed, it clicked in that I forgot to take pictures of the BIOS for the Formula, which our reviews always include.

That was dumb, but ever fall for the same trick twice? Once I was done performance testing the P5E3, I quickly uninstalled it to install the Formula again so that I could grab my BIOS shots...

... completely overlooking the fact that I didn't get BIOS shots for the P5E3 either...


I took all my review pictures and resized them. Forgetting to make copies first. Stuff happens. They say Albert Einstein had forget to put his pants on on more then one occasion, lost in his train of thought. Maybe we should just be labeled genius?