After looking at both threads all I can say is I am completely lost. The same can be said of programing the screens. A man should know his limitations and all three of those are beyond mine.
I'm looking forward to seeing CC2 configured with a user interface for doing those functions without requiring any real programing. I respect the heck out of guys like you, Jim, because you have the ability to do things like that and I'm happy that you are around to help guys like me over at CF's forums.
Welcome to out humble site and I hope to see you around showing off your building skills
Edit: I tried the Swiftech fans on the CFA-635 and I didn't have any problem with their sound. The sound they made was very subtle, I hardly noticed it at all. Now the RPM wouldn't report at all with those fans but I don't hold that against either the fans or the 635, sometimes these things happen. As to the fan that does clatter, it's a 120mm X 38mm Delta that's considerably more powerful than the ones provided by Swiftech. It makes so much noise that it sounds like a squirrel sized diesel engine idling in my PC. You don't really notice it until you're trying to go to sleep of a night.