Counter-Strike: Global Offensive announced!


Tech Monkey
Coming from some one who played religiously, all be it on and off, but I always went back to CSS. I am quite excited to read that there is a new CS coming out! I quit playing CSS finally after I came to the sad conclusion that ping was the biggest factor in that game and that weapons are not really balanced at all. An example of this was when I was using a P90 and I hit some one 5x and they took only 78 damage, but they hit me once for 108 damage with an AK when it wasn't a head shot, they released an update that shows you how much damage you did and how much the other person did if you died. This just made me say fuck it, there's not enough balance and now I know why I can't always get great score, this was this past March by the way, I moved on to COD BLOPS and was happy with it until they announced Elite, but that's another story.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Naw, no way in hell I'm going back to CS. 12 year old graphics and game mechanics is still 12 years old... and I bet anything it won't do a thing to deter the rampant hacking CS always had. Don't get me wrong, Half Life is 13 years old and I'd play that anytime, it had character and it had story... CS didn't really have anything, and I don't see the attraction to it anymore.