Cosmos S or Cosmos 1000

Rob Williams

Staff member
What about the Antec P182, or are you looking for something a little more gamer-esque? I have two P182's and love them. Clean and intuitive design and smooth looking as well.


Tech Monkey
Antec P182 series are a fairly nice case, I just don't care for the restrictive air flow with the front door closed. The front air inlet grills are a bit restrictive as well, but that's all easy enough to work around.


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Tech Monkey
Picking out a case can be a real pain in the butt, that's one reason I've kept my UFO so long. When I upgrade, I just pull everything out and install the new stuff in my good ole UFO...................;)
Yeah I know what you mean. I've been here researching like every single case on Umart (and more) to see which I like best :p
I've new narrowed it down to the Centurion 532, 534 or RC590. I like the 532 the best but it's out of stock at Umart which is a real pain. The 590 doesnt look too bad but I love the I/O panel on the 532 the best.