Corsair Announces Force Series 3 SATA 3.0 Solid-State Drives


Senior Editor
Staff member
If you are salivating over the second generation SandForce-powered SSDs or are simply eager to see more competition in the SSD market, then we have some good news for you. Corsair has today announced its Force Series 3 solid-state drives. As one may expect they utilize the SATA 3.0 "6Gbit/s" interface and are powered by the latest SF-2281 controller that has been shown to deliver eye-popping performance.


You can read the rest of our post and discuss here.

Rob Williams

Staff member

Hah! We're so close to being able to get our SSD content going again. Robert's been ardently working on a new build for the past couple of weeks, figuring out all of its tricks and tweaks, so we should be getting some new SSDs to take a look at soon. We're waiting for a CPU cooler replacement at the moment since, contrary to our belief, Intel's stock heatsink is, in fact, truly horrible.


Techgage Staff
Staff member

Haha, you bet! If a first generation SandForce drive can deliver 18 seconds, I think I could get pretty darn close to 10 second cold boot times with one of those beauties... Just imagine... an instant power on Windows 7 system. It's going to happen very soon at the rate these things are going... ;)