Computer scares?


Tech Monkey
Tried playing FarCry last night with this pc. Seems SLi + FarCry = omgwtfbbqhax

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Oh... I know that.... NOW!!!

I learned that lesson when working on CRTs. Not as dramatically as you did, but while in training, the dude I was with showed me how to arc the power out of the tube with a screwdriver. Impressive. He also pointed out where the power came from and why it was important to remove the 'trode from the top center of the crt before doing too much since it was easy to get electrocuted with the power off. :cool:

BTW, Never open your CRT, folks. It's just a bad idea. Let the trained professionals do it. Seriously. No joke. CRTs are bad news if you don't know what you're doing.

Jakal said:
LOL! I'm stealing that for later. :D


The Tech Wizard
2 Scares

I was building a machine for my brother and the board layout was a little different than most, well, I had an extra brass standoff with no screw hole to match...Shorted the board and a cheap 775 CPU
Now, I use the plastic standoffs ( dont like em ) but I wont have that problem again.
Also I had static from the speakers ( on another system ) Come to find out, I had over tightened one screw and that was the cause Wheeew



Well it's nothing I did but we once had a PC burst into flames at work. Seems my boss kicked a thumb drive while it was plugged in. The PC was on the floor. Guess it shorted out cause we had smoke in 5 seconds and flames followed in about a minute!!! Hahahah we were running around looking for something to put out the fire.


Well, not exactly a scare but my first computer had a very unconventional case with an EXTREMELY small fan on the bottom of the case and no side exhaust or even side panel fan, for that matter.

When I was trying to install my first bit of RAM all those years ago, I put my case up atop my soft, fluffy-padded chair so I could see everything, because trying to see a screen AND a PC under your desk would require X-Ray vision. I didn't have X-Ray vision at the time so smoke ensued when the padding clogged the fan hole so no air could get in and the result was a new something or another.

I didn't get the blame because it was the parental authorities idea. Now I know better and my cases ALWAYS have front and side fans. LOTS of fans.

And now that my X-Ray Vision has developed, I can now work in the dark, underwater and upside down on my computers. Three cheers for being pelted by Gamma Rays. The only bad thing is I now have a slight green tint in my skin... meh. It's prolly just the magic marker the kids next door up on me while I was sleeping.